

Pushing Back the Boundaries of Science & Accelerating CNS Drug Discovery Together

Together, Let's Co-Develop by Exploring Neuroscience and Leveraging Preclinical EEG

Digging into Science requires time, resources and the right investigational strategy or methodology, which are not always available in-house. SynapCell was also created to establish and collaborate on innovative projects, to pave the way for better and faster preclinical drug discovery studies.

Open innovation PROGRAM


Join our Open Innovation Program in Neuroscience

Over the past years, SynapCell’s portfolio has been a unique mixture of internal programs and fruitful collaborations with Sponsors. We have consistently helped scientists and drug discoverers to go further in translational science.

Our Open Innovation programs represent the different studies and ideas we want to bring to life. Whether it is a specific endpoint, a model we have yet to work with, or a surgical procedure, we’re always up for a challenge.

Can’t find it in our portfolio or on our website? Ask us! Your project might be a good fit for a great collaboration!

Take Advantage of our Unique Expertise in Preclinical and Translational EEG for CNS Drug Discovery

Drawing on 20 years’ expertise in preclinical EEG, SynapCell offers you unique know-how to support your research and push back the boundaries of science.

Working with us means working with a dedicated team of scientists with expertise in multiple areas (animal surgery, signal recording & analysis, neuroscience, etc.). We make our platform and our people available for your specific project, to make it happen. Whether it is a standard off-the-shelf study or a tailored protocol, come with your question and we will develop the protocol to attempt to find an answer, together !

unique Preclinical EEG expertise


Exploring Therapeutic Potential

With SynapCell, take advantage of Resting state (RS), Event related (ERP), model exploration or Pharmaco-induced EEG Biomarkers to enhance your understanding of brain function and evaluate the pharmacodynamic efficacy of investigational compounds in Psychiatric, Neurodegenerative or other Brain Disorders… and much more!


Explore pharmacological pathways (MOA) using Pharmaco-induced protocols, Auditory-Evoked Potentials (AERP, ERP), 40-Hz ASSR (Auditory Steady State Responses).


Evaluate coherence within a specific structure, between different structures, or across the whole brain.

Head to head vs reference compound

Compare your compound(s) to the standard of care on the market and/or compare data between different candidates within a single crossover.

Tool compound testing

Explore tool compounds based on different endpoints and build a database to identify the most promising candidate. Use the translational power of EEG to make your best drug stand out!

Drug repurposing insights

What if a closer look at the brain oscillations induced by your drug could reveal a new therapeutic horizon?


You are using a relevant model in your routine research and want to find out whether it also expresses objective EEG signatures? Discovering a new EEG biomarker in your animal model could be a game-changer for your research, potentially opening up new perspectives for understanding brain diseases.

Data Analysis

Your data will benefit from the Cue® analysis platform and SynapCell’s expertise, saving time and resources. You will receive a full detailed report, personalized presentation, and expert recommendations.


Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Please contact us!


Powered by Cue®, SynapCell's Predictive In Vivo EEG Platform

SynapCell’s rodent models and their associated EEG biomarkers are processed on on Cue®, our innovative translational in vivo EEG platform, which is designed to predict the in-human efficacy of your drug candidates during the preclinical step. Cue® is the result of decades of R&D, combining SynapCell’s know-how, expertise and scientific excellence in the fields of brain surgery and EEG signal recording, processing, and analysis.

Using Cue®, we transform preclinical data into actionable insights, offering end-to-end support for informed decision-making in CNS drug discovery. 

Let's Talk About Your Research Project!

More than a CRO, a team of collaborators – we are your dream neuroscience team specialized in preclinical EEG! We don’t just produce data, we are your partners from conceptualization to conclusion. We translate raw EEG data into meaningful, clinically-relevant endpoints, delivering clear insights to allow data-based decision-making. Choose SynapCell, a leading preclinical CNS-specialized CRO for cutting-edge EEG expertise combined with an irresistible touch of fun.

News & Events


SynapCell and the University of Utah Celebrate the 10-year Anniversary of their Collaboration on Anti-Seizure Medications.


Choose our Amygdala Kindling model to test compounds targeting focal-to-bilateral tonic-clonic seizures. Choosing the right model for the appropriate type of epilepsy seizures is key to the effective discovery of ASMs. 


Discover SynapCell’s new preclinical EEG capabilities for sleep and vigilance states, and gain additional insights to characterize compound effects.